Sunday, June 30, 2013


i want to put today on repeat.
i want to wake up
to the sun in my window

i want to go to the little coffee shops downtown and eat chocolates
and sip on lattes.

i want to buy raspberry jam from a little old farm lady who appreciates it.

i want to wear boots and cute summer scarves, watch little girls with their hair in pigtails twirl around like ballerinas, smiling and giggling without a care in the world.

i want to walk through the streets, carefree, stopping at antique shops and buying random gifts.

i want to clap for the black man playing guitar and singing on the curb, and throw pennies in his case, knowing i made his day a little bit brighter.

i want to walk these streets again and again with freedom in my pockets and a smile on my face because today, was a good day.