Tuesday, January 9, 2018

before we kiss

I am the poison
that will burn your tongue,
but you’ll keep asking for more,
because I am forbidden.

I am all the warnings and signs
they tell you to stay away from,
but then again...
you have always liked danger,
you have always liked rules
-because you can break them.

So you keep coming back

‘just one more time’
‘one more taste’
‘one more sigh’
I promise darling,
you will fall for me.
so hard that it will break your knees..

You laugh it off,

but you’re running in circles
too hungry the words
that I feed you.

So now that I have told you,

how the future is written,
let me ask this again...

Do you still want to kiss me?


You see, a writer
will only look at you in words.
fancy words,
full of fancy nouns and fancy verbs,
and gaze at you longingly in adjectives.

They will wrap your body
and keep it warm in never ending sentences,
and undress you with just the right punctuation.
and you will never be able to read them
like the way they can break open your spine
and read you like you’re their favorite book.

And when they are done,
they will leave you
in a state of ellipsis
(speechless, wanting more, begging for more,
waiting, staying for the rest,
hoping for a story that never ends.)


I am addicted to people
who are dangerous for my heart,
people who fuck with my head,
people who make me question
everything I think I know. 

Being with them is exhilarating
and things are never boring.
The wicked and strange
are enticing and alluring,
I am aware their darkness 
can swallow me whole.

Monday, January 8, 2018


Possession they say, is nine tenths of the law...
But darling, possession isn’t part of human rights. 
People will never belong to people.
We are just merely borrowers...

Sunday, January 7, 2018

comfort and torment

sometimes your scent
catches me
on a day it shouldn’t
in a place it shouldn't
at a time it shouldn’t


I fall in love with personality...
their words,
their behavior,
the lust in their eyes.

I would say

it is completely possible,
to fall in love with someone
without having physical contact
because it is a pure,
raw, love for them,
who they are
and what they’re about.

it’s the best way
to fall in love.
You fall in love
with the sight
of their soul


Maybe I don’t like people
as much as the rest
of the world seems to,
but occasionally,
people will pleasantly surprise me
and I’ll fall in love with them,
so go figure.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

the invitation

If you find
yourself here- invited,
then you exist somewhere
between the lines
of my spilled ink.
Which space is yours..
Well, that I can’t say.
For I lay the words,
but they are for you to convey...

the author

He wrote love poems
inside of me
with his fingers.
Our story began
with my scream,
and ended with
my soul on his lips.

Thursday, January 4, 2018


Put your lips close to mine.
As long as they don’t touch.

Out of focus, eye to eye.

Till the gravity’s too much.

I’ll do anything you say...
If you say it with your hands,

I’d be smart to walk away,
but baby, you’re like quicksand.

the process

As a writer,
I provide the words,
yet you choose
what they
will mean to you

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

the grade

when you physically touch
someone’s heart,
they come back to life.
i tried to become the world’s
most renowned cardiac surgeon,
but never had the grades for it.
instead, i have to make due
with my current job...


God gave humanity Earth
and filled it with marvels
and wonders of many kinds.
This was not done as a gift,
but a distraction.
To distract them from
exploring the stars,
and to protect them
from the horrors
that lurked out
in the dark.


We have been taught shame.
We cannot afford sustainable bread,
while companies cut birthday cakes
from food stamps.
Let them eat their fingers,
or their pride,
—anything but to look up
and become savage like the
country they were born in.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018


I asked you if you were nervous.

You said “yes, just looking at you
makes me nervous as hell."
but you looked so calm,
almost didn’t believe you. 

as your lips lightly touched
my ear you whispered,
“baby, i’m crazier than you think."
and i just closed my eyes
and smiled, because
that was perfectly fine. 

then you autographed
my lips with yours.

I love 
when you
struggle to say my name
gasping for air...

care free

there are days i’d pay

a year’s salary to rent

the innocence of a child.
that grin in a go-cart,
wide eyes on a balloon

floating to stars you can wish on

among the mystery of the moon.


many writers live a thousand lives and miss their own in the process.
-i am an occasional visitor to the present and i hope to live there for a while someday.

foggy skies

Sailing on a sea of lies,
their opinions sink and rise,

He’s a Marionette by puppeteer
guided by the winds of fear.