Sunday, December 31, 2017


You can’t 
break the rules 
If you don’t 
know them.

Saturday, December 30, 2017


I took 100 steps
closer to my doom
and found myself
uninspired by it's darkness.
Then I patted the devil
on his sweet head,
and told him to be a good boy.
No one likes a nihilist.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017


"I love you, and it's not because you are beautiful..." 
Is indeed the most delightful collection of words,
that have ever been exhaled through those beautiful lips darling.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017


I want all of you.
The highs, the lows
Emotionally and physically.
I want to worship your mind.
I want the feel of your skin against mine.
You’re highly contagious.
And you’ve infected me.


mark me with the forbidden words
swimming inside your mind.
bite galaxies into me
with all the stars in your teeth

kiss the moon onto my lips

and pour everything you are
onto my skin with Bourbon infusion.

mark me,

and let me do the same.
let me draw you with all the words
i want to say,

paint you into my own galaxy

and i promise you, it will be worth it.

Monday, December 18, 2017


I am me.

Yet they will try

to make me them.
They will try
to shape me

as they please.

With no rhyme or reason

no question or answer

they will try.

But I will not cave

for I am me
and in the end

that’s all there will be

words on a page

If you’re after my words

and the thoughts 
suffocating my mind

then really
 you’re after my soul

and the scars you will

regrettably find

the fog

I fall in love
with the way
you touch me
without using
your hands.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

A tangle of paths

Glancing at passersby, I often think of their hopes, worries, memories. I make stories for them. Lives intersect, a tangle of paths crisscrossing and running over each other, through years and miles.

Strangers are endlessly fascinating, because I'm confined to the thoughts and perspectives in my mind, and wish I could occupy their conscious and look through their eyes at a much different world.

It's tiring to be one person.

Our minds are endless solitary confinement..

Friday, November 17, 2017

no words needed

She’s addicted to body language....
mental connections,
nervous laughs
and shakey hands,
The way you stumble
over your words
when you speak to her.

She’s addicted to
the way
you look at her knowing
you can’t touch her
because shes forbidden,
and you’re afraid
to make the first move...

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Do or Don’t

Caged in this world.
They call it life.
Everyday struggle.
Fight or flight.

Truth #521

I am a complex mixture
of spice and darkness.
Not many can handle me,
I’m an acquired taste.

write right.

a dirty mind
is a terrible
thing to waste,
so write it down...

Thursday, November 9, 2017


i’ve had too many men
put their hands around my neck
and demand i be grateful
for the necklace.
perhaps that’s why
i’ve never been
impressed with jewelry.


he gently traced up my spine
like i was his most cherished book
and god i love to feel him read...

Wednesday, November 8, 2017


would people like you more or less if they could see inside you?

Tuesday, November 7, 2017


a wise man said

you can never go back
the shifting sands of time

have covered up the track
to what 
you remember
to be true
the pain of the past

is something
can never undo
you just wear it like a scar

it defines who you are

the fort

We built serotonin cities
under blanket forts
and declared reign of our kingdom,
high on the feel of skin on skin.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

no definitions

“What defines you?” they always ask.

“Nothing. A definition excludes the possibility for change.”

Thursday, November 2, 2017

radio waves

We talk until our
mouths are dry
and lips are cracked,
spilling our greatest fears,
distilling our hope,
and dissecting why
bad things happen.
But it just leaves me
more exhausted,
ears bleeding
and mind numb.
It’ll be exactly
the same tomorrow.
The knife will still cut
with the same precision.


The stillness of night
has the power to abduct me,
carrying me away
to a place where I’m
peaceful and calm.
The ripples of the water
reminds me that
all things in life
come in waves,
ebbing and flowing
with no perfect balance.

spilled ink

We write because we have no idea how else to express what we hold inside. We emote the deepest thoughts, scattered and incoherent, imagining the symbols that most portray what we feel. Often times, we cannot find the words to convey what tortures us, inspires us, scares us and drives us, but we spill our ink trying to capture it. We write because we need to, because a different world exists inside our mind, it’s beauty and darkness begging to be shared. We write because we have nowhere else to go but to the paper lying in front of us.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

our book

We all have a few
chapters in life
that we don’t want
to read out loud.

Friday, October 20, 2017

the light

some days they wear sunglasses

to get over your glow.
you can mimic the sun
and still be offensive. 

run through a field 
of wildflowers

but it is so strange 
to be wild with it.
come back to what you know
you are getting out of hand.

Thursday, October 19, 2017


Self reflection.
It allows you to
comprehend your life,
what your role must be,
what the meaning of
your existence is
and your objectives.
It guides you to grasp
the fact that you
have this one life,
to not be arrogant
or egotistical
and to value relationships.
Self reflection is key for you
to evolve as a full human being.


seeping in

like tar
 from cigarette smoke,

resisting the urge

to tie another

smiling knot.

Master Minds

I stopped my habit
of looking into people’s eyes
and trying to meet them halfway
through their thoughts.
It was an exhausting thing to do,
even more when lost are my guesses
and I end up punching the walls.
True enough that people see
what they want to see
and believe what they
want to believe.

I don’t need to say an extra anymore.

Cutting them half
is a win-win for both positions
and either way, I still am the person
I’ve known myself to be.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017


The citizens 
are declaring independence
while simultaneously 
 an epidemic of lethal overdose diagnosed
“political poisoning.”
And politicians 
are busy eradicating 
amongst themselves,
“financial deficiency disorder”

through fresh supply 
of tax nourishment, vaccines of national budget
and booster doses of funding,
while the citizens sccumb to death

in search of medicine.

Thursday, September 28, 2017


I’m enthralled
by the idea

of what

the world
would be like

if we all buried

our noses
 into a book
instead of

our cell phones
and other people’s


We are 

that is also
least likely

to wake up.


In public,
serene faces

chaotic minds

observing people

noting behaviors

silence preferred

Monday, September 25, 2017

Dream #999

As I tried to sleep last night,
a group of three men
dressed as riot police
burst through my
bedroom window.

They held me on my bed
and sliced open my skull
with X-acto knives,
pulling out an SD card
I didn’t even know was there.

One of them plugged
the card into a smartphone
and they all gathered
around the burning screen.

They began to weep
through their masks
before leaving quickly
as they came in.

Meanwhile, childhood leaked
from the hole in my head
and stained my sheets
the color of a cloudless sky.

Relaxation washed over
me like drowning.
I slipped into the deepest
sleep of my life
and woke up this morning
refreshed for a change.

Sunday, September 24, 2017


he says he has no talents,
i wonder if he knows

that i can name a hundred things

he does
 that make him
the most
 special entity,

that make him
 my mind’s
favorite tragedy...

Saturday, September 23, 2017


i want to touch you
in the places

you never knew

were so


I write dirty words and go to extremes
But don’t think for a minute you see my secret things.
Inside me is locked a goddess of love
Who pushes and writhes, waiting to be let out of her cage.
She’s there at the surface when the writing shows lust
Hidden in the shadows smiling mysteriously
Waiting and watching you fall to your knees.

Her essence is shared with the free spirited girl
Who aches to be free of this temporal world
The soul of that girl comes out as a tease
Her longing and pleading you hear in my words
The two of them dancing out love and lust on the page
Not caring if you see the truth they do bare
Their only concern is the feelings that hum
Being shared as they are felt to the core of my being.

11 mins

he whispered,
”you taste like 11 minutes after the sunset

when the sky is the most beautiful
when blue finally meets orange
with the first star
up on the horizon

watching down on a spectrum
of two colors 
and i never knew orange
could look so beautiful.”


he spent an hour reading
my personality chart

“i’m reading about your
“ he told me,

i laughed
how could you possibly know
my weaknesses
when ive never given away
what they were?


yellow walls
blue furniture
monet paintings all over the room
he’s sitting on the carpet
in his sweatpants
with his coffee mug
on the table beside him
i don’t know what he’s reading
he looks beautiful today

concept #37


you and i
 sitting under a shady tree
you watching me
 reading out loud

 from my favorite book

dream #122

Medieval times in a far away land,
lived two treasoned lovers
who were damned by the Queen.

His hands travelled slowly

down her sides, “I fell in love
 the day
we met. The day I laid eyes on you
it was evident to me
you were not what you appeared to be.”
She smiled, “Is that so?”

“I have more to show you,” he said.
He pressed closer.
Through an open side door,
she caught a glimpse 
of an antique
wrought-iron bed
high and wide, and her knees
began to tremble,

“Your bedroom?”

Nervously, she slipped her hands
under his jacket
brushing them over the silk
shirt covering his beautiful body,
and said, 
“All right.”

Holding her breath, she walked into the room...


He calls her the devil
cause she makes
him wanna sin.
And every time she knocks,
he can’t help but let her in


How could two monsters
not fall in love,
hiding under the same bed?

the wave

i had to strip my soul naked
of people’s opinions
so i could soak in my truth.
now i swim free of guilt
and nothing can drown me.

city street

There is nothing prettier than a city at 4 AM
with its empty streets and slient wind.


i often prefer silence
and body language.
rather than speaking

speaking over complicates things
and creates problems that aren't there.

truth #546

sometimes you just need an adventure
to cleanse the bitter taste
of life from your soul.

on the inside

One who cares little for the
trivial meaningless things in life
because they are too busy trying
to calm the raging hurricane
that is their mind.


I am mentally ambidextrous.
I could see myself in a mirror

and see something beautiful,
but in the same day
I could see my reflection

and despise everything about me

common place

Forced conversations along with fake smiles.
-the world


I wish I could send a letter to the past,
but the future’s all I have left.

the vandal

Did you just try to break down my walls?
How dare you?
Darling, I should have you arrested for vandalism.

the ticket

i am fairly certain
that my imagination
will one day get me
a one way ticket
straight to hell...

pass by

Sometimes, I want to take a breath
and let the world pass me by.
This world is so ugly sometimes.


how quick people are to judge

quick to put others on a stand
and read into them

they put words in their mouths

quick to tell them all about their own intentions
they take a flaw from their character
burn it onto their skin
turning it into the whole of them

quick to tell them of their imperfections,
endless flaws, faults, sins, and wrongs
all that they are not.

we see things how WE are, 
not how they really appear


Sadly, sometimes the people
who take permanent residence
in your heart will be the ones
who walk very temporarily
with you in your life.

truth #332

Rock bottom has built more heroes than privilege.

white flag

People ruin each other in unspeakable ways
and declare their innocence by calling it love

Friday, September 22, 2017

Concept #143

Concept: I am alone in a home overlooking a lake on a cold late autumn day. Huge glass windows cover the walls. The leaves on the trees outside are deep red and orange and are rustling in the wind. There are dark clouds rolling in and rumbles of thunder in the distance. The fireplace is lit and the wood is crackling. My coffee is brewing, filling the room with an aroma of sweet warmth. I have a book in my hand and a smile on my face. This is my happy place.


You can’t fix others
You can only fix the way
You feel about them

the passenger

He said there’s something I enjoy
about you in control of me
in the passenger’s seat.

Monday, September 11, 2017


i took his brain out

and played with it
like a 
Rubik's cube.

now his thoughts
are all mixed up
and he knows not
how to get them straight.

he was never
good with puzzles.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

abstract concepts

He said "Making love to you would be so much better if you were also there..."

Friday, September 1, 2017

the creation

Never let an artist paint you nice and pretty in their head

this world

one thing i am sure of,
is that the world doesn’t run out of beauty.
beauty and the awe it supplies is not a finite resource.
so if today has been an absolute fucking disaster, don’t worry...
i can assure you that life’s beauty will be waiting for you tomorrow.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

dark honey

Dark honey sliding warm and sticky sweet
along my tongue...
Your kiss, intoxicating from first touch...
to the last great sigh of relief.

Monday, August 28, 2017

no rules

There is no consequence inside the poem
There is no distance between the hunger and the mouth
I can touch you in this place, more intimate than flesh
You can press your fingers through the body of my wanting
Fell the swell and the pull.
Inside the poem we are one.
Inside the poem
you can find me splayed out
between your hands...
between the lines.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

the cure

Lost in imagination while watching reality unfold
is a spoonful of harsh medicine
that works by delivering the truth in large doses. 

Sunday, August 20, 2017


Until human kind agrees
to change its view of the world
no matter what protest, speeches, or arguments told
will fix the wicked ways of this world...

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

after hours

People are so vulnerable at night.
They’re willing to spill out their souls to anyone willing to listen.
They have desires to do things that never cross their mind when the sun is in the sky.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Concept #315

the taste of Whiskey on my lips,
your whisper in my ear.
Sinatra softly playing,
I introduce your mouth
to the forbidden spaces
beneath the hollow of my throat,

down to the stardust between my thighs.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017


Stop breaking your own heart by exaggerating your place in other people’s lives

Monday, July 24, 2017


Oh, darling, I wasn’t made for you.
I was made to make fire sweat.

Sunday, July 23, 2017


Once hidden in the dark
Has now run into the live of day
Spewing acid like venom upon unsuspecting prey
With no fear of reprisals and running about having a field day
The havoc breeds chaos and division
When all most want is love without conditions
This thing we thought once lost to the sands of time
That is unless you lived with an opened mind
History is coming full circle but on a live news feed
So tell my friends once again did it ever really end?

Monday, July 17, 2017

the vow

her soul is a riptide.
she is made up of thunderstorms and scars,
a thing of beauty.
she draws on a supple canvas
with colors that are yet to be discovered.
her throat burns and her eyes sting,
but she is still upright.
she is standing in an idle town
with a sky as dark as her hair,
swimming in unfortunate circumstances.
and she clings onto a faint glimmer of hope
until her fingers start to bleed.
she never learned how to let go.
despite it all, she continues to blossom.
despite everything,
she still vows to love clouds
and sunsets and starry nights,
and she still burns bright.

Sunday, July 16, 2017


the thing you are most
afraid to write.
write that.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017


I felt his breath on my neck whispering,
"It is so bizarre, how do I love you
without knowing who you are?"

Sunday, June 25, 2017


We all
 chase our
 nightly noise...

Wednesday, June 14, 2017


Us humans, we are all a complete wreck.
No one will tell you this.
The only difference is
that some of us
know how to crash and burn beautifully

Monday, May 29, 2017

the wandering

All the things you said
I hope you know I let them
roam around free in my head

Saturday, May 6, 2017

take notes

a dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste, so write it down...

Thursday, May 4, 2017

the waiting

A needle drops on an anachronistic record
She always did love her antiquated affectations
Sepia filters, old cigarette tins...

We're bored.

Like watching water boil
Which I never really minded.
Water always boils, summer always ends.

Friday, April 28, 2017


He collected each sound she left behind,
and stretches them on his bed.

And each night he breathes her in,
and becomes high.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017


She keeps postcards in black and white
of all the old movie stars on her walls,
because she’s a dreamer.
She's the type of person people don’t forget.
The type of person who is immortal,
even if they died long ago. 

Tuesday, April 11, 2017


She is fear and destruction,
a whole city crumbling to ruins.
She is beautiful,
for better or for worse,
and he wants to touch her,
her innocence and her sin.
He wants to hold himself
against her stone walls
and broken glass,

until he bleeds himself
into something terribly beautiful.

burn and drown

I crave your lips bruising mine
and your hand between my thighs…

Spill the gasoline baby, strike a match,
seduce me with your words,
and set me on fire.

My skin burns under the heat of your finger tips,
and you ignite in me something fierce.
I ask if you know what drowning feels like,
and sink my teeth into you
just as your words drip into a whimper.

I’ve got my hands around your throat
and you beg me to pull you under.
Lips wet with mercury, eyes lustrous and haunting,
I see in you the monster in me...
a vicious lover, ravenous and vulgar.
Glowing in darkness, forged in flames.


This is how it starts...
The dirty talk turned pillow talk.
The easy metaphors and pretty words.
The imagery of two bodies as a landscape.
You told me you didn’t like
the way I had you shaking,
but darling,you are the one
who laid down with an earthquake.


Flirty insecurity
and all tension with no release.
I can’t stop looking for trouble
and your appetite for me
screams louder than the silence
between us.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Be different

I'm not an easy person get along with, I know this. I don't make it easy for anybody. I'm really difficult at times, and it may seem like sometimes, I don't like you and I don't wanna be around you, but I do.

I'm a challenge, because I'm not the sort of person to let people walk all over me. I'm not someone who puts up with minuet bullshit drama either. I'm not the person who will give you sympathy comments. When I say something, I mean it. If people fuck me over, I'll throw them out of my life. I'll erase you. You'll be dead to me.

I'm annoying.
I'm hilarious.
I'm the worlds biggest bitch at times.
I'll make you want to scream and punch walls.
I'll ruin your fucking day, but save it at the very last minute.
I'll drive you crazy and sometimes you'll hate my fucking guts.

But through it all, I have an amazing side to me. I do.

I have great big giant fucking heart. I'll always be there when you need me, even though I may not have the right words to console you. Even if my life is impossibly knotted, I'll try and untangle yours by listening and loving. I won't stop caring about you, not even if you push me away. I am the happiest person you'll ever meet because I try to look at the positive side through every situation.

They say I'm different from everyone else. "It's refreshing," they say. "A breath of fresh air". And I like that, because way too many people are the same. Conformity is the jailer of freedom. Be different.

Thursday, March 2, 2017


I am aware that I am less
than some people prefer me to be,
but most people are unaware
that I am so much more
than what they see. 


We’re all monsters, my darling.
What matters is who we show our claws to,
and why we do it.

The Cycle

You need to know,
that there is someone
out there in this world
who has images and songs
that have been reserved
just by the thought of you.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017


I love like minds and rare people.
The ones who can separate their observation from their preconception.
The ones who see what is, where most people see what they expect.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The Urge.

A secret burns within my mind.
You darling, are attracted to the flames.
I pray that you don’t get burned
attempting to unravel what I hold hostage...

Monday, February 20, 2017


If you let me,
the lightning in my heart
could strike the sand in your soul
and turn you to glass,
breakable and honest.
The last thing your demons
would taste would be the
poison on my lips,
a kiss that could starve
your anxieties and ignite
your spirit.

My fingerprints
on your skin could
suffocate every doubt and
scrape the worries from your

My body could
be the nourishing well where
you come to heal yourself,
where you remember how to

If you let me I could be
yours in a way no one has
been before or will be again.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

The Novel.

I am all mystery and secrets,
silently wishing,

that you don’t read into me,
or you’ll know how much
I desire to be always,on your mind.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

I am.

I have the greatest responsibility of all.

I am compelled to make people feel,
in a world that tells them not to.

I am committed to speak to you through
words and photographs.

By writing about moments of such magnitude and beauty,
that people rediscover their hearts one more time.

I am here to give meaning to the few decades we spend here.

That is the reason I was sent to Earth.

am an artist.

Monday, January 30, 2017


Writers are forgetful...
but they remember everything.

They forget appointments and anniversaries,
but remember what you wore and how you smelled.

Every single day...
they remember every story you’ve ever told them, but forget what you’ve just said.

They don’t remember to water the plants or take out the trash,
but they don’t forget how to make you laugh.

Writers are forgetful because they’re busy remembering the important things.

So please, forgive me if I forget.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

I was late

I’m sorry I was late. I was pulled over by a cop
for driving blindfolded
with a raspberry-scented candle
flickering in my mouth.

I’m sorry I was late.
I was on my way when I felt
a plot thickening in my arm.

I have a fear of heights.

Luckily the Earth is on the second floor of the universe.

I am not the egg. I am the owl
who just witnessed another tree fall over
in the forest of your life.

I am your mother shaking her head at the thought of you.
I am her words dissolving in your mind like footprints in a rainstorm.

I am a long-legged martini.
I am feeding olives to the bull raging inside you.
I am decorating your labyrinth,
tacking up snapshots of all the people who’ve gotten lost
in your corridors.


warm January mornings.
chapped lips.
yelling mistakes and untold secrets
through the collars of shirts.
this train is running local.
allow yourself multidimensionality.


Thursday, January 26, 2017

Brush strokes

The doctor tells me to sit down on his table,
and asks me to stick out my tongue, so I do.

I ask him if he sees the paintings I carry in the back of my throat.
He laughs, as if I’m telling a joke. I’m not.

I tell him that I’ve got Da Vinci, Monet, Van Gogh, and Picasso,
and when I laugh, I taste brushstrokes.

I ask him to stick out his tongue,
so I can see what he has trapped inside of him.

He hesitates...

Then he does, and I see a man who struggles for acceptance
and chokes on the word love.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

I don't conform.

As a writer, it’s easy for people to criticize my creativeness
when someone thinks my work is offensive, 
specifically, that it offended them.
It doesn't matter.

I don’t censor myself. I won't censor myself.
I write what I want to say, how I see it.
It may be fiction. It may be non-fiction.
-And the point of view will always be different.

It doesn't mean that I don't live in reality.
I write from all points of view.
Covering every perspective.

It means I am inspired by all humanity,

and I see the beauty in everything, from every angle.

People will have opinions and I respect that.
And someone will always be offended. That's a given.

If you don't appreciate it- don't read it.

But I will never hold back what I want to write 
because of fear someone might be offended by it. 

When it comes to writing, people are going to love it or hate it,
and people are going to judge it -just like everything else in life.
It's said "Conformity is the jailer of freedom." 
-I don't conform, I am free.