Thursday, March 9, 2017

Be different

I'm not an easy person get along with, I know this. I don't make it easy for anybody. I'm really difficult at times, and it may seem like sometimes, I don't like you and I don't wanna be around you, but I do.

I'm a challenge, because I'm not the sort of person to let people walk all over me. I'm not someone who puts up with minuet bullshit drama either. I'm not the person who will give you sympathy comments. When I say something, I mean it. If people fuck me over, I'll throw them out of my life. I'll erase you. You'll be dead to me.

I'm annoying.
I'm hilarious.
I'm the worlds biggest bitch at times.
I'll make you want to scream and punch walls.
I'll ruin your fucking day, but save it at the very last minute.
I'll drive you crazy and sometimes you'll hate my fucking guts.

But through it all, I have an amazing side to me. I do.

I have great big giant fucking heart. I'll always be there when you need me, even though I may not have the right words to console you. Even if my life is impossibly knotted, I'll try and untangle yours by listening and loving. I won't stop caring about you, not even if you push me away. I am the happiest person you'll ever meet because I try to look at the positive side through every situation.

They say I'm different from everyone else. "It's refreshing," they say. "A breath of fresh air". And I like that, because way too many people are the same. Conformity is the jailer of freedom. Be different.

Thursday, March 2, 2017


I am aware that I am less
than some people prefer me to be,
but most people are unaware
that I am so much more
than what they see. 


We’re all monsters, my darling.
What matters is who we show our claws to,
and why we do it.

The Cycle

You need to know,
that there is someone
out there in this world
who has images and songs
that have been reserved
just by the thought of you.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017


I love like minds and rare people.
The ones who can separate their observation from their preconception.
The ones who see what is, where most people see what they expect.