Thursday, May 30, 2019


He knew why he wanted to kiss her.
Because she was beautiful.
And before that-
because she was kind.
And before that-
because she was smart and funny.
Because she was
exactly the right kind
of smart and funny.
Because he could imagine
taking a long trip with her
without ever getting bored.
Because whenever he saw
something new and interesting,
or new and ridiculous,
he always wondered
what she’d have to say about it-
how many stars she’d give it and why....

Thursday, May 2, 2019


illusion deludes us into believing what's not really there. it makes us mistake faith for projection. disillusionment is a prerequisite of modern living that you seldom meet, until it's too late.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019


Flight control to ground central,
identified object within view.
Locked and requesting permission to engage.

permission granted

First impression:

unknown appears hostile, 
possibly rational.
There’s a response to probing signals sent.

Object is sentient and non-violent.
Agenda undetermined, pending contact.
Heartometer shows abnormal passion level fields.

Beaming aboard to ascertain…

dark moon

She is both, hell fire and holy water. And the flavor you taste depends on how you treat her.