There are billions of people in this world. And each person has their own unique thinking style, own point of view of the world, own way of looking at the stars, own manner of dancing in the dark. And in all these billion ways, there is one who is more or less, similar to you.
They may not be the exact replica of your soul, but somewhere, something fits- like two jigsaw pieces- that something you were looking for. That little part of your heart that was always empty, that feeling of longing, that place where you belong- it is a person, it can never be a place or a thing.
I believe the universe gives everyone the opportunity to meet their soulmates once in their entire lifetime and that's because the universe is a benign force. And when you meet them, you know. You just do. This is it. The one.
But even after that, nothing happens by itself. The universe only takes care of the meeting. The lasting- well, that's where the connection and love comes in.