Monday, October 19, 2020

The Legacy

They say love is just a chemical reaction, and that scientifically things aren’t meant to last forever. However, every new day that comes with loving him, I am absolutely certain that I have loved him before, in another lifetime, in another world. Maybe we were trees whose roots were intertwined, or maybe we were the heart and mind of someone who gave nothing but love in a world full of hate. I don’t know what we were before, but I do know that I love you. I have loved you. I will always love you. Forever. 

The Book

 She was always told that she was pretty, but it never really meant anything to her. That’s just something people say who have never read the book but look at the cover and like to think they have. 

The Curve

We all deserve that love who picks your heart up, wipes the dust from the pages and tells you your story is absolutely beautiful. That one love who tells you that the night sky only bleeds in memories that make you smile. 

That someone who chooses you every single time, like a choice they’ve already made in every other lifetime, and that every day is a journey closer to yourself, and you get to kiss that someone who tastes like the rest of your life, and you get to be with the one person who wants to show you off to the world, but always keeps your secrets safe. 

Yeah, everyone deserves that kind of love... 

The Kiss

 It’s the foundation of Fairytales. 
And the conclusion of Weddings.
The kiss of death is feared.
The kiss of a lover is needed. 
It can be feather light.
It can be fierce.
It can heal.
It can draw blood.

A simple gesture that can
communicate and elicit so much
without a single word ever spoken.