Thursday, October 31, 2019


like beautiful sheets of silk, this life unfolds before my very eyes. i run out of hands to savor it. i run out of breath to sing of it. there is too much of everything. it crashes into me all at once.  the perfect balance of hardship and ecstasy haunts my being. there is nothing that can be done to escape the glorious paradox.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Coffee Thoughts #211

I love the Sun.

And I will spend my whole life chasing its rays, drowning in the flames despite knowing that it will hurt in the end. 

Is that not what love is?

To chase what you love even if it hurts like hell, is that not what love is?


It’s the possibility that keeps me going, not the guarantee.


“You speak so highly of him,” he said to her, “Why do you do that? Why do you speak of him as if he put the stars in the sky when he did nothing but break you so god damn much that the cracks in your heart were practically visible through your eyes.”

She laughed, “That’s the thing about love, isn’t it? You’ll let them get away with murder, even if it’s your own...”

Five and Dime

There’s this girl. She’s is a one-stop-shop of orange blossoms that bloom like summer-candy kisses. She only sells to people she likes, and she’s in high demand, so be persuasive. Her prices are outrageous, and not many can offer love, so she takes payments in the form of lies. Why don't you tell her your best one? And she’ll see what she can do...


So much of getting older is unlearning and reshaping your understanding of who you are and what you want and need in this short time on Earth. 

Sunday, October 27, 2019

black & white

That’s the thing, I’m either absolutely disappointed with the world and fucking hate it, or I find everything I lay eyes on absolutely painfully fucking beautiful. There is no in-between... 

Saturday, October 26, 2019


she blushes as her eyes meet his. they both have seen so much more of each other than the half-smiles they reveal to outsiders.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

deep thoughts #821

You are a very good reason to sleep through a sunrise. And I know we’ve abandoned stoplights to feel wanted. I’m so used to being lost inside the thoughts inside my own mind. But in another lifetime I was the first snowflake to kiss your nose. I’ll teach you how to find poetry in everything - I’ll teach you how to find it all right inside of you. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

the bridge

You know when you're driving and it's pouring down rain, you drive under a bridge and everything stops. Everything goes silent and it's so peaceful for a split second. Then you finally get out from under the bridge, and everything hits you a little harder than before.  You are my bridge.


when my enthusiasm for love dies out completely, i want them to engrave your name into its headstone.

Six Words

6 words from the mouth of a man. 
“There’s this girl, and I’m devoted...”

Monday, October 21, 2019


his ocean eyes call me to a world of secrecy and hushed whispers, to a place from which i may never willingly return.
I like him in my system. I need him in my system. But darling, our love has an expiration date...


I used to spend my life tip-toeing quietly, terrified of the possibility that I might disturb someone or something in their respective states of peace. To me, silence was the best gift a person could offer.

I thought existing as a deep serene was what others might want from me—a faint, little thing that could slip into your life without a sound, and leave no waves in the process. No one likes a burden, you see.

Now, my footsteps land heavy and crack ground that they’ve always assumed to be solid. I hope the Earth caves under the weight of my existence, like it is more monumental than every star in the sky.

And when you hear of an earthquake so grand it breaks every scale we have ever come to accept, know that I have finally reached my full potential, as I was always destined to do.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

black hole

i like the moon because its subtle glow hides the congregation of freckles on my face.

and when he breathes constellations down my neck, i do nothing to refute the power of my stars.

i am the black hole he’s been searching for for years. with no sense of time or direction, our lips have a passion only for the hungry. 

just two ambitious souls who long to conquer the galaxy with a lover at their right hand.

Monday, October 14, 2019


He begged to kneel at her altar and drink from her chalice of life.

Friday, October 11, 2019


The Classics warn us
about charming men
in elegant garments.

The handsome ones
known to deceive with
just a flash of their smile.

The deliciously rebellious,
charismatically wealthy ones,
the infamously brilliant ones. 

The ones with dirty,
twisted, lovely minds,
whose kiss tastes like a revolution.

The ones who cause your heart
to catch fire or something worse— 
maybe a feeling....

The devil is and will always be a gentleman.


it was crystal clear.
and neither one wanted
to be the first to admit it.
so they spoke different words
that meant the same thing. 

Thursday, October 10, 2019


I hate that feeling I get when I am about to leave somewhere, and I know I’ll not only miss the people I love, but I’ll miss the person I am now right here in this very moment, because I’ll never be this exact way ever again.


That small space between where your lips meet mine is where I experienced your soul magnetize into my body. I could feel the rush as it coursed through my veins. A moment that took my breath away like a high I’d never known existed. It was then, that I knew I wanted our souls to dance and our bodies to write poetry that only we knew how to read.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019


You’ve got your hands around my throat
and I beg you to pull me under.

Lips wet with mercury,
eyes luminous and haunting,
I see in you, the monster in me...

A vicious lover,
deliciously ravenous
and tastefully vulgar.
Bodies glowing with energy,
a love forged in flames.

Sunday, October 6, 2019


There’s this veil between the physical world and the spiritual world that I’ve always been connected to whether I like it or not.

The Target

Humans are so focused on physical beauty, they don't know how much a soul can feed them.

Friday, October 4, 2019


I have this thing where I ask myself how long it would take me to get over a person if they left me in that very moment. And usually it’s a month, maybe two. But with him it was like, if he disappeared right now? Years. I wouldn’t be the same, ever. I already feel like a piece of my life is missing just thinking about it...

Wednesday, October 2, 2019


The beast comes knocking
as sleep begins to wrap
me softly in his arms. 

He beckons, as always,
breathing a visible steam,
claws clinking on the hardwood.

“What took you so long?” I ask. 

“Why, darling, you know
I always come the moment
you stop expecting it...”


“I am not here to tame your darkness,” he whispered. “I am here to live in it.”