Saturday, October 21, 2017

our book

We all have a few
chapters in life
that we don’t want
to read out loud.

Friday, October 20, 2017

the light

some days they wear sunglasses

to get over your glow.
you can mimic the sun
and still be offensive. 

run through a field 
of wildflowers

but it is so strange 
to be wild with it.
come back to what you know
you are getting out of hand.

Thursday, October 19, 2017


Self reflection.
It allows you to
comprehend your life,
what your role must be,
what the meaning of
your existence is
and your objectives.
It guides you to grasp
the fact that you
have this one life,
to not be arrogant
or egotistical
and to value relationships.
Self reflection is key for you
to evolve as a full human being.


seeping in

like tar
 from cigarette smoke,

resisting the urge

to tie another

smiling knot.

Master Minds

I stopped my habit
of looking into people’s eyes
and trying to meet them halfway
through their thoughts.
It was an exhausting thing to do,
even more when lost are my guesses
and I end up punching the walls.
True enough that people see
what they want to see
and believe what they
want to believe.

I don’t need to say an extra anymore.

Cutting them half
is a win-win for both positions
and either way, I still am the person
I’ve known myself to be.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017


The citizens 
are declaring independence
while simultaneously 
 an epidemic of lethal overdose diagnosed
“political poisoning.”
And politicians 
are busy eradicating 
amongst themselves,
“financial deficiency disorder”

through fresh supply 
of tax nourishment, vaccines of national budget
and booster doses of funding,
while the citizens sccumb to death

in search of medicine.